Sean C. Johnson - Going full-time as an artist


At first glance, one might not envision this former Air Force Staff Sergeant as a soul singer – no afro blowing in the wind and no “tortured genius” look. He does, however, have his own unique vibe - an unsuspecting and compassionate demeanor that produces a sound that draws you in. Sean offers music that lyrically takes the listener deep into the Word, flowing hypnotically over soul ballads and Hip Hop beats.

I got to sit down with this once Air Force Staff Sergeant now full-time artist about going full-time into music which I believe can be a template for everyone who wants to transition into making their dream job a reality.

We also talk about building community and the importance it has on his career and personal life.

I’m a big fan of Sean’s story. I have been watching him live it out for a long time now.

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My studio space is sponsored by Jameson Realty Group and Boutique 206.