What Go Win Leadership Looks Like


Thanks for stopping by to do a little bit of reading. This will be quick.

Go Win is simple. Sort of.

Go Win is about being consistent in the “right things” that allow you to achieve the WINS you want for your life so that you can live out your greatest story.

As a leader, I want to be the best LEADER possible. It’s a WIN for me.

So, the Go Win Approach to leadership. The “right things” that I think you should do over and over again as a leader are… Here are ten things that I’m thinking through I need to be consistent at to WIN as a leader.

  1. Serve others.

  2. Have hard conversations.

  3. Forgive quickly.

  4. Give feedback.

  5. Meet with my mentor.

  6. Learn.

  7. Keep it simple.

  8. Show up.

  9. Push.

  10. Remind self that leadership is about influence and that influence is for helping others GO WIN.

These are some “right things” that I’m looking at being more consistent in so that I can be a better LEADER.

What are some things you’re consistent at to be the best leader possible?

Thanks again for reading.

