When your podcast, youtube, blog… Isn’t growing. What to do.

I’m laughing because I really don’t know the answer.

But this is my answer.

Stay the course. Keep working hard to discover.

Discover what?

Keep working hard to discover the “right things” to be consistent to grow your podcast, YouTube, blog…

Whatever it is you’re trying to grow.

How do you discover?

I think the primary way is from the stories of others. Also, experimenting. Try new things.

Look at the data. What is data telling you?

Walk away with these two things:

  1. Stay the course if you truly believe it’s what you’re suppose to be doing and you’re happy and content.

  2. Learn from others “right things” they’re consistent in to achieve wins similar to yours.

You got this.

Maybe you should join my Go Win Circle.

About to finish my coffee. Also, have to go record a talk to send to a camp for their summer team.

I wrote this on my Iphone in my Squarespace app while sitting at the dining room table while my family sleeps.

