Joyce Allen

 What's your name?

Joyce Allen

 Which school do you teach at?

Guthrie High School

 How long have you been teaching?

I have completed 37 years. All my years of experience have been with Guthrie Public Schools.


 Where did you go to college?

Langston University. L's UP

 What's your favorite school supply?

My favorite supplies are index cards, fancy pens, colorful dry erase markers, folders, tissue, febreze and disinfecting wipes.

 What's it like to teach?

Teaching is a challenge. Every day is different and expect something to go wrong.

 What advice do you give high school students?

Make things better daily and keep it moving in a positive direction. Follow the rules and procedures. Listen before speaking.

 How do you stay relevant?

High School level students will keep you informed.

 Who was your favorite teacher? Why?

I cannot narrow this down to one favorite teacher. I had the opportunity to have numerous teachers, family members, role models and community leaders who taught me life skills.

 What's your one tip for teaching?

My personal teaching tips are be fair, kind, honest, observant, creative, ready, real and realistic, respectful, hard working and dependable. Never give up and keep reaching for the stars. Everyone will/can offer something.

 If you could change one thing about education, what would you change?

Budget cuts. Everyone needs a bonus or an incentive pay increase for their hard work. I would figure out a way to give a small Christmas stipend for every employee.

 If you didn't teach, what would you do?

Event planner or a tour guide.

 One thing that makes you smile?

An encouraging word, family, work and personal reflections.