3 things to do if you're struggling with consistency

I struggle with this big time and all day long I’m encouraging people to be consistent.

See Go Win is really about being consistent. I define Go Win as being consistent in the “right things” that allow you to achieve the wins you want for your life so that you can live out your greatest story.

I have a portion of my Go Win Workshop that I call the Go Win Approach. The approach are the “right things” we should be consistent in life regardless of the win or wins we have put in front of us. These are things that just make life great for us when we are consistent at doing it - like learning. We should all be consistent in learning.

They say we should learning something new everyday.

Now for the 3 things that can help you be consistent:

  1. Create a check list of things you need to be consistent in to achieve the wins you want in life. Consistent could be daily, every other day, weekly, monthly, etc. I use Notion for my check list.

  2. Have someone in your life to check-in on how you’re doing with your consistency. I host Go Win Circles to help people be intentional about having someone in the life for this.

  3. Have some way to measure just how consistent you are. You can use an app like Productive that gives you a visual of days missed. You can also just make this your check list.

I believe if you can implement these 3 things in your life it would help you in being more consistent in your journey towards the WINS you want life so that you can life out your greatest story.

What’s something you struggle to be consistent in?


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