Someone sent me this text and it got me thinking

I'm currently on a treadmill while typing this. So, I'm knocking out a couple of my daily rituals at once. ​

​Those two things are: writing and closing my circles on my Apple Watch.


I have a bunch of other things on that list. I track my consistency with an app called Productive.

One day I will share what's all on that list.

Today I sent out about 30 text messages or so reminding people that God loves them and they matter. 

I got a few responses back. I don't do it for responses but I don't mind them at all. I'm human.

One of those responses:  "Love you!! Thanks for stretching me into something great!"

This got me to thinking. The "stretching part." What does that look like to "stretch" someone? And how do you do it in such a way that they thank you for it?  

Here are a few things that I came up with:

  1. You have to first know the person. You have to know their talents, passions & how far they're willing to go. 
  2. You have to know their goals.  
  3. You have to have the ability to ask the right questions. 
  4. They have to invite you into their lives. 
  5. They need to know that you care for them and only want the best for them. 
  6. Pray for wisdom on how to give sound advice. 
  7. Always remind them that going further gives God glory. 

These are 7 things I would say off the top of my head that produces the ability to stretch people you are investing in.  

They have to want to be stretched is probably the most important thing. However, you can inspire someone to want to be stretched.  

Who is stretching you?  

I wrote this on my IPhone 7 Plus via the Squarespace Blog app. Photo with same device. 
