I made it doable


I had some real challenges marking things off my habit list daily.

So, I adjusted them to make it more doable, not easier but doable.

For me, it’s just a matter of creating habits that I believe benefit my life in such a way that it carries over to impacting the lives of others.

Here are somethings on my list:

  1. Reading

  2. Daily devotion

  3. Walking

  4. Writing

  5. Kettle bell

  6. Pushups

  7. Handwritten notes

  8. Drink water

  9. Look at calendar

  10. Look at todo list

  11. Read goals out loud

I made a couple of them more doable.

  1. Read two pages instead of reading 10 minutes.

  2. Do 10 kettle bell swings instead of 100.

  3. Do 10 pushups instead of 100.

Remember, I’m just goal for creating a habit. I think everything else will fall in place.